How to Scale Your Business with Digital Marketing in Lockdown?

Digital Marketing in Lockdown - Brand Katha

This global outbreak has left businesses around the world counting costs. This pandemic is affecting many businesses and buyer behavior towards brands due to the quarantine measures.

The pandemic has badly affected small businesses and has bought them back to the foundation stage of their business.

But there comes the ray of hope as more people are moving more to digital platforms. Digital Marketing plays a vital role in boosting small businesses.

Opting for digital marketing helps you vocalize your organization, extend its reach, and create a customer base. Amidst the current pandemic, it is paramount that you conduct effective marketing to maintain steady business growth.

This article focuses on the strategies you can and should put into place to market successfully during Covid 19 pandemic.

Let us get started.


Marketing strategies to scale your business during a lockdown:


A) Have a Creative Website

There are many advantages to have your business website for your business:

  1. You can develop an online presence – You can put reviews, photos of the location, helpful information to position your business.
  2. It is easy to target local customers. Suppose someone is new in the area and does not know the neighborhood. They will jump online to search. If your website appears up among the first search engine results for these types of local queries, it will benefit your business.
  3. You can share your address and contact information with customers.
  4. A lot of small business owners prefer emails over phone calls. It is easy to answer emails at any time, and it does not matter if ten people want to contact you simultaneously; you can get them all.
  5. You can save money on paper-bills and pamphlets advertisements.
  6. Online content can help build a reputation. Most businesses help communities by keeping them informed through content marketing and educating them.
  7. You can learn more about your customers. If used correctly, then you can use the information to drive sales and conversions.
  8. You can make online sales by displaying your products and services on the website.
  9. It is a perfect way to advertise employment opportunities. If you are looking for a new hire. There are plenty of platforms, but it also makes sense to put a word on your own website about employment opportunities.

B) Social Media Platforms


Social media is a fantastic way to grow your business and connect to your customers and prospects. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp Business can help you to

  1. Target your customer group: Eg – if you are targeting youth, then Instagram is the best platform.
  2. Enhance search engine ranking: If you are trying to reach the customer through social media platforms, it improves your website ranking to grow more with social media. As your social media share rate increases, then the domain authority of your website also increases. This helps you improve your website rank, and hence your visibility increases.
  3. Focus on driving traffic to your website: Many small businesses focus on driving traffic to their websites. To gain your customer’s attention, you need to focus on relevant content creation on your social media platforms and aim to engage them with various marketing ideas.
  4. Monitor your competitors: It is strange, but you can monitor your competitor’s content and track their marketing strategies. Social media platforms are best to take inspiration from your competitors’ post content but don’t copy them.
  5. Build trust with your customer– It is not just a social media platform for advertising or having your presence, but it is a great medium to build trust with your customers. It helps you build a relationship with your customer base.

C) Paid Ads


During the lockdown, people spend more time at home and on social media. The ROI on PPC ads has skyrocketed. This is a good way of reminding people that you are alive and is part of the new normal.

Paid ads consist of Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Google ads. Facebook ads are pretty affordable for local businesses. Instagram ads can be helpful for small to big businesses. Small businesses can use google ads- they can opt for smart campaigns, new default ad experience. Online ads have always been engaging, affordable, and well-targeted, but more than that, they give you the ability to scale up your business.

The CPM (cost per thousand impressions) on ads has lowered due to pandemics since companies do not have big marketing budgets.

D) Listing Websites

You can register or create profiles on various website listings or web directories like Sulekha, Justdial, Indiamart.

For every business, it is essential to get seen and to be found easily on the internet. Business listings in local directories play an important role in expanding your business.

Top 10 free business listing sites:


Using the right marketing strategies and techniques you can grow businesses on digital platforms. There is a big hope for smaller businesses to grow their businesses to another level.

For business owners, who do not know how to set up digital marketing campaigns on their own, can hire digital marketing agencies. These agencies help take your business online within the internet space with a limited budget and promise the best exposure.

5 Reasons Why Logo is Important for Business

Logo Designing Service - Brand Katha

A logo is one of the important aspects of your business. It is the Identity of what you serve to the customers, general representation of your Brand. A logo is useful to promote your business and build a strong brand identity. According to reports, it is found that over 84% of businesses around the globe are identified based on their Logo/Brand Image. Logo can be your best asset and Investment as well. Symbols, Shapes, Figures are some of the effective ways to communicate and engage with the customers which generally build a strong relationship. Brand Identity, Brand Image help promote the organization’s overall growth and development. The logo generally grabs the attention of customers eg- Nike, Mcdonald’s, Mercedez, Audi, Apple, Starbucks.


The need of Logo for business – 

  • Logo is a visual representation of your Brand.
  • It is very effective and helps convey your brand purpose or message to the end-users.
  • Customers can be attracted through the Brand Image.
  • It can help your brand stand out in the competition and make your brand Identity a success
  • Logo helps generate Customer Loyalty & will help to explore your Brand through the masses.

How should a Brand logo Be?  

  • Logo is a Brand Identity, it should describe your brand, its services, products or include the company’s name, word, initials with color- combination.
  • A Brand Logo should be attractive, non-messy, and simple to relate to your Brand.
  • A Brand Logo should also be Unique (Based on the Brand USP) and not be copied.
  • Your Brand Logo should represent your Brand Ethics, Values, and Principles as well.
  • There should be Positivity in your Logo.
  • Logo should be Friendly, Trustworthy, Creative & Balanced
  • Attractive and Positive color help to maintain a strong relationship with the customers


Why A Brand Logo So Crucial?

A Brand Logo is the face of the company and it is often the first thing the potential customer notices about your business.

A logo is not just an image but an emotional recognition point and the foundation of the company. They have the power to create instant recognition among customers.

It is when the customer sees your company logo, he/she forms an opinion about your business within seconds.  


5 Important Reasons of Brand Logo & How Brand Katha Can Help You?

Marks Foundation of your brand identity:

Successful branding is like penning down your story that will influence your customers. The logo design is indeed a part of the company’s logo but it serves as the foundation stack on which the brand is built along with its architecture. 

The usage of colors, fonts, and tones is determined by the story you tell. Your logo sets the stage of your story in front of your customers. Later these elements will translate your logo on your marketing and branding materials like brochures, letterheads, business cards, landing pages, websites, and more- making a marketable brand identity. 


1. Grabs Attention:

Attention spans these days are very short. As a business, you have just 2 seconds to convince potential customers to communicate about their products that are worth consideration as compared to the competitor in the market. A company logo quickly grabs customers’ attention and communicates the company’s core ideas and objectives in an interesting way.

So, in this short attention span to attract customers and make them judge your business by its appearance and approach can work to your advantage if you have a creative business logo to speak for your company. 


2. Makes a strong first impression:

It is often said, the first impression is the best. You have only got one chance to get this thing right, as your business logo is your company’s first impression on your customers and the market. If designed well, it can take the interest public’s eye and prompt them to visit your website to learn more about your offerings.  

3. Supports visual communication:

Why are pictures, symbols so potent? It is for the one simple reason that symbols appeal to human memory and emotional receptors. It is easy to memorize the logo design. They encourage you to recall emotion and experience close to your heart again and again.

Company Logos are the point of identification for any brand and those are the symbols that customers use to recognize your brand. A creative business logo instantly helps the customer to connect to the sight of your company’s logo with the memory of what your company does and most importantly how it makes them feel and visualize the brand and the company as a whole. Because a good logo design is a visually pleasing element that triggers a positive recall about your brand.


4. Fosters brand loyalty:

As your brand grows, your brand’s visibility also grows and it becomes more familiar among customers. This familiarity creates a perception that you are a trustworthy brand in the market. Brand loyalty is huge and something every business needs to foster. A familiar and recognizable company logo goes a long way toward building brand loyalty. 

Creating a logo isn’t mandatory, however, there is a good chance of missing the opportunity to spark the interest in a new customer. But the logo is a vital part of building a brand.


To meet this need, Brand Katha offers logo design services to build your logo and brand. Our team can help you create customized logo designs that are unique and effective to represent your company’s brand.

Ready to build a logo and start building brand recognition? Hop to our contact us page and put in a request to get your brand logo done.

Top 10 Benefits Of Digital Marketing For Your Business

Top 10 Benefits Of Digital Marketing For Your Business | Brand Katha

Marketing is all about connecting with your audience at the right time at the right place and in the right way. In the age of digitalization, the best strategy to meet your customers is online where they spend their lot of time. 

You all know that the culture of startups is growing day by day. But the business or startups are not successful unless there is the use of technology revolving around it.

It is no surprise that the marketplace is increasingly becoming more digital as technology evolves.

Yes! Startups do need technology to grow. There would be no growth potential unless proper technology is blended with the startup. 

Ideas and innovations are what make a startup. But what if the idea is not known to people around? It would be a waste if there would be no digital strategy applied in this digital age.

In this advanced age, new brands, products, services are launched every day and it needs to be reached out to the proper audience. 

These startups only need a medium/Platform to get into and grow their businesses.

Why invest in Digital Marketing?

Modern customers seek references of the product or brand online. Before buying anything it is common for the buyer to research the product or service, quality of it, and evaluate the delivery and service of the company. 

It is online that the customers seek answers to their problems including those solved by your company.

Having a strong digital presence is essential to attracting the attention of these potential customers as well as creating a strong relationship with those who already know your brand and products.


10 Benefits Of Digital Marketing For Your Business

1. High Revenue: Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing helps attract more customers and brings more revenue. Higher conversion rates can be generated by effective digital marketing techniques. Hence, it will give more profitable benefits to your business in terms of high revenue.

2.Increased Conversion Rates: Digital Marketing strategies provide the best way to interact with your target audience. The strategy when implemented in the best way will bring in more leads and reap high conversion rates.

3. Higher Return On Investment (ROI): With digital marketing, you can generate a steady flow of targeted traffic that gets converted into sales and leads. The more your business generates this kind of traffic, the faster you enjoy your ROI.

4. Lead Generation and Content Performance: Using the right and interesting content will always attract customers to you. The more engaging your content is, Google considers your content to be worthy. Also, your content gets an SEO boost. Through digital marketing, you can measure exactly how many people viewed your marketing content. You can collect contact details for those who download it using the forms. You are generating qualified leads when people download it.

5. Measurable Results: How do you know whether your marketing is working? The only way to know for sure is to measure it over time. Unlike traditional marketing you can measure the results in digital marketing You also get the insights to optimize the strategy for future campaigns.

6. Quickly Adaptable Marketing Strategy: Using tools like Google Analytics you can do website analysis, You can view how many people are visiting your website. This information will help you improve the future campaign strategy.  

7. Cost-Effective:  With traditional marketing, it’s very difficult for small business units with limited budgets to market their products and compete with larger firms. But with digital marketing, all kinds of firms, small to large, can successfully market themselves according to their budget and get leads accordingly.

8. Improve Your Outreach: Digital marketing takes place in the internet space, it is accessible to a global audience. You can target any area of your choice and cover any amount of area. With digital marketing, you can connect with your customers. It doesn’t take long for gaining publicity to enhance the prospects and enjoy the benefits. If you are not utilizing the power of digital marketing for your business then you are missing out on a lot of opportunities.

9. Earn Trust and Build Brand Reputation: Digital marketing leverages on testimonials and social proof from customers. The more reliable the social proof is the higher the trust rate is. People trust the information about the particular brand when it comes from the people they know. And once you meet their expectations you will go viral. 

10. Open Dialogue With Customers: The relationship between customers and the brand has evolved well over the internet. The modern customer wants to know that their opinions are heard. Also, they look for the answers to their problems and queries. Digital marketing makes communication happen quickly. 

In addition, the dialogue between the customer and brand strengthens the relationship.   


How Brand Katha Can Help You to Dominate the Market?

1. Social Media Marketing- We curate your brand story with an assurance of maximum ear and eyes through our innovative & creative social media marketing strategies. 

Developing content for your niche and building traffic to increase search engine rankings.

2. Search Engine Optimization- Your primary source of lead generation is now a click away. 

We build websites SEO optimized which makes them easily accessible on Google SERPs.

3. Paid Marketing- Customizable budget, customizable targeting, amplifying reach to millions with Brand Katha’s paid digital marketing. 

Any objective whether sales, brand awareness or to increase traffic can be achieved easily at lower costs with paid ads networks.

5 SEO Factors Every Website Owner Should Consider

5 SEO Factors Every Website Owner Should Consider | The Brand Katha

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the most heard concept in digital marketing. Many business owners want this strategy to be applied for their websites. But what exactly is SEO?

SEO is one of the important techniques used in digital marketing, usually done to rank better. SEO further can be elaborated into 3 types –

 1) On Page 

2) Off-Page 

3) Technical SEO

SEO or search engine optimization not only helps to rank your website but also increases the quantity and quality measure of your website. Proper optimization can help into better ranking through SERP. 

SEO has various subcomponents that help to optimize your website

  1. Relevant Keyword Research
  2. Strong Content Writing
  3. Link Building (OFF PAGE)
  4. Proper Web Development
  5. Clear Website Structure

SEO is the main pillar of your business. These subcomponents are needed to be prioritized in order to optimize your website and make it readable and user friendly which benefits ranking.

Around 78% of websites don’t perform well because of its weak SEO or no SEO. It would be difficult for a website to struggle in the google search if no proper SEO is done. That’s the reason proper SEO must be done in order to balance the virtual world

How Can SEO Help My Website Gain Popularity? 

Here Are The Top 5 Factors Of SEO:  

  1. Traffic – One of the cheapest ways of getting traffic to your website is using SEO, the more people see it, the more interest development starts among the people. Traffic also helps into the ranking of your website
  2. Local SEO – It is an important factor when you run a business. It is an identification bookmark wherein you engage with the people, get connected with them based on areas, demographics, and general local search. Local SEO usually benefits small-scale businesses.
  3. Reliability/Trust – Proper user experience builds a stronghold in the minds of the customer which is a plus point. Quality profiles, optimized pages, images do help to build a hold.
  4. Brand Recognition – Usually the customers surf the internet to find their wants and needs. Providing their wants and needs with the opportunity with SEO would benefit your business. Consistency into showing or displaying things will build trust among the customers as well.
  5. Conversions– SEO optimized pages are always faster than any other pages, these pages bring a lot of traffic to your website converting into positive customers and bringing a strong ROI because it helps to gain the attention of the viewers.

SEO is the soul of a website; without proper SEO it is difficult to stay competitive in the digital market. 

Your primary source of lead generation is now a click away. We build websites SEO optimized which makes them easily accessible on Google SERPs.

Why Choose Brand Katha For SEO? How We Enhance Your Website

  1. Google Page Ranking: In this intent driven search engine having your presence increases conversion rates of sales and audience.
  2. Keyword Research: We do extensive keyword research and analysis for every website or webpage.
  3. Backlinking & Listing: Creating an organic presence through backlinking & listing SEO.
  4. On Page SEO: Securing every website’s first impression with our unique meta tags descriptions.
  5. Sitemap: Sitemap helps Google understand which pages of your website has what kind of information which enhances your ranking further as Google can crawl and index further content.
  6. Mobile Optimisation: Every website on Google now needs to be mobile optimized as users are mostly using mobile or tablets to browse websites. So having a mobile optimized website helps users to check the information.
  7. Google Search Console: All our websites have Google Search Console installed at the backend which gives the website owners the data of keywords used to search the website which further helps marketing on the Google platform. This is usually done to collect data of all users.
  8. Linking Of Pages: All links from the domain need to be secured and given a path so as to increase the domain ranking and its authority.
  9. Do Follow & No Follow Links: Every page on Google needs to be given a tag of do-follow or no-follow links to help Google crawl particular information. More the number of do-follow links the better would be the ranking of websites.
  10. Content Updates: Content on the website needs to be updated with the latest information. Whether it is an E-commerce website or an informative website, having the latest and fresh content increases the domain & page authority of the website.

7 Best Reasons Why Every Business Should Have A Website

7 Best Reasons Why Every Business Should Have A Website

Web development is a combination of both website design and content management which are the basic attribute of a business website. It is very necessary to include these components in order to run a digital business on the internet.

But do you think that customers only visit your brand if you have a digital presence? or is there any particular reason why they visit your website? 

Customers only like the things that are good visually, secondly a greater user experience and the charisma in the overall developmental factors of the website.

Your website is your own talent, it should be designed in a way that people should visit it again. Their purpose to visit the website should be served. And it should help them with what they need. The user experience and reliability are what matters in web development.


7 Best Reasons Why A Website Can Help Your Business


1. Impression –Impression is what matters. Many customers surf web pages because of the design, looks, and visuals of the web page.

2. Better User Interface – Keeping your website simple with the only informative factors that matter to the customer would make the customer’s navigation easy and reliable. Avoiding unnecessary elements would benefit a better and rich user interface. 

3. Visual Treat/Content– Proper and clear pictures showcasing the products and services would benefit the end user starting from the font size to choosing a proper theme and even adding relevant images do impact your business site.

4. Helps in Search Engine Optimization – SEO is the soul of your website, your overall design and web development along with the support of SEO helps your website to rank high in the Google SERP. Speed is what matters, it also boosts your website speed. SEO and Web Development go hand in hand. Web design elements along with SEO affect the ranking of the site as well.

5. Higher Conversion/Increase in sales – The main motto of business is to increase your sales. Your brand, your products, or services is what you are. Web Development can give you the way of how you want the result.

6. Less Bounce Rate – The number of people leaving your website would reduce if your overall web development is perfect and satisfactory for customers.

7. Fast Browsing & Analytics – A proper development may result in fast browsing and reducing the low-speed concerns and it can also help you generate a proper web analytics report.

Around 80% of the Web Developed sites don’t need to be taken care of much or maintained because of their powerful web development.

Branding and the end users’ concerns are also kept in mind when website development is done with the ongoing trends, formats, designs.

When running a startup or a business on a digital platform, website development should be done as it would also help you to improve productivity, improve your customer service, and most importantly it would build a strong digital reputation in the mind of the customer.

Web Development is a competitive boon for you to improve, build & expand your internet business identity.


Scale Your Business With Our Website Development Services

The key to the endless world of possibilities for your business is through a website.

At Brand Katha, we enhance user experience with our web design and development services.


We provide:

  • Interactive UX and UI

We create a long-lasting first impression with our unique UI & UX designs for websites.

Every website tells a unique story of its own through creative designs and layouts. We provide web development services for all niches. 

  • Responsive Designs

  • Lead Generation Forms

  • Customizable Admin Panel

  • Real Time Statistics

  • E-Commerce Websites or Informative Website

Get access to a global customer base with an e-commerce website having unlimited products at the store. Revolutionize your business with our E-commerce website development services.

  • Unlimited Products

  • Flexible Payment Gateway Options

  • Flexible Shipping Options

  • Store Management

The World Of Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social Media Marketing - Featured Image - Brand Katha

From the last decade, digitalization has changed various things around us. One of the best and innovative inventions was social media. It has brought the world together better than it was earlier. Similarly, in the business industry, Social Media has made tremendous changes which directly or indirectly shaped the market.

Social Media is more than just gossiping and chatting or even hanging out with your friends.

But What is Social Media Marketing? How can it be helpful for the growth of your business?

In Simple Words, you can say that Social Media Marketing or SMM is making the use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc to reach relevant or potential customers in order to reach out and make them aware of your brand or business.

Few Social Media Platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr.

Social Media Marketing is very essential for building and growing your business. But it does require a few major points that would help your presence and growth success.

  • Consistency in Engagement
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Strategy/Decision Making/Management
  • Valuing the End-user
  • Proper Advertising
  • Content (Content is the King)
  • Keeping the trends in mind before execution

Around 78% of start-ups in India are making the use of SMM for better engagement with their customers and reaching a target-based audience.

SMM is nothing but a strategy of Digital Marketing, they both go hand in hand. SMM generally benefits in increasing.

  • Reaching Target Based Audience
  • Brand awareness/Recognition
  • High ROI
  • Cheap
  • Boosting Traffic
  • Generating leads
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Customer Engagement
  • Driving Sales
  • Conversions

Whether you want to start a start-up/business or advertise your brand, SMM is your sole guide for it.

Social media is for all the areas or sized businesses, big or small. The only fact is the proper use of social media where proper strategy and decisions are applied would help a business to create goodwill among the customers.

If your content/plans/posts or services which you are providing are kind of engaging then only you can say that your SMM is a success or going well.

But for better reach, growth, and development proper Social Media Marketing must be done.

But How? The answer is Brand Katha! At Brand Katha, we help you grow through our Social Media Strategies and Work.

How Brand Katha can help your Social Media Work?

Social Media Marketing :

  • We curate your brand story with the assurance of maximum ears and eyes through our innovative & creative social media marketing strategies.
  • Developing content for your niche and building traffic to increase search engine rankings.

Reaching Target Audience-Engaging a broad audience of consumers in one go.

Viral Content Marketing-We are always at par with the trends of social media. We believe in real-time marketing and content creation.

Brand Awareness & Presence-We build your reputation with the focus on increasing new visitors and customers.

Increase Sales & Traffic-Social media opens the door to larger traffic & sales at an exponential rate.